Just-iD Office
Application for online clock in clock out
Application for online clock in clock out
Office management system and Human resources management
“Increasing your potential to the global standard”
Back end set up
Through the website https://app.just-id.com/

Setting the shift
Service > Office > Shift
- Specify the name of the shift
- Time in
- Time out
- Early in
- Late in configuration
- Break

Departmental control
Service > Office > Group
- Name of department or group

Digital staff ID card
Service > Office > Member list
- Photo
- Name-surname
- Job title
- Employees’ status

Easy to use, just scan the QR code.
Just-iD Office
Download Just ID office on Google play store

logging in by using username and password

less than 50 employees – 1000 THB/ year
50-100 employees – 1500 THB/year
101-200 employees – 2000 THB/year
201-500 employees – 5000 THB/ year
501-1000 employees – 9000 THB /year
over 1000 employees …… THB/year
Get report
Through the website https://app.just-id.com/

Member List infomation
- Photo
- Name – surname
- Position, department
- Employee status

Time Attendance
Name list, department, shift and time attendance
Export the document to Excel format

Working Hour
Show total working time
Check working time of each employee

Overall report
Time attendance status
Buy now
Check for promotion