Just-iD Blacklist
Creating a restricted person list
Blacklist function
Customer list
Create an alert for people on the blacklist and the system will also alert on the device screen
“Increasing your potential to the global standard”
set up on the back of house system
Through the website https://app.just-id.com/

Create required action for specific person
Service > Setting > BlackList
Add required actions as you want. For example:
- Wait for further inspection from security
- Call the police
- Detain

Add new list
Service > Visitor > Black List
- Personal information
- Blacklisted person infomation
- Type (ประเภท)
- Notes (เหตุผลที่ blacklist)
- Action (เมื่อเจอคนนี้)
- Evidence (หลักฐาน)

Blacklisted person infomation visting inforamtion
Visitor > Entrance
- View the name on the list and add to the blacklist
set up on the back of house system
Through the website https://app.just-id.com/

Example of blacklist
- Red – Alert
- Yellow – Wait for further inspection

Example of displaying blacklisted person details
- Shows name, status, action, date and time

Example of blacklisted person alert
- Red – Alert
- Yellow – Wait for further inspection
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