
Just-iD Rule and Policy (PDPA)

Rule for entering the area

Rule and Policy (PDPA) Function

System for Notifying Area Regulations

Currently, there are laws in place for personal data protection that require entities collecting and storing personal data to notify data subjects of the reasons for data collection and obtain their consent before entering the premises. Just-iD has developed the Rule and Policy (PDPA) function to announce the rules and conditions for contacting the area, as well as to provide a privacy policy notice. This ensures that visitors are informed and can consent if they wish to access the area. Additionally, visitors have the right to request the deletion of their personal data once they leave the premises, provided it does not cause harm to the area.

“Enhance management capabilities and provide services up to international standards.”

After the security staff/reception records the entry information of the visitor, the visitor will receive a slip for contacting the area.

Slip Displays QR Code
Rule and Policy (PDPA) Function

The visitor can scan the QR Code using their own device to immediately review and accept or decline the safety regulations and policies for the area.

When the visitor accepts or declines the regulations, the system will record this information to generate a report for the area administrator.

Visitors who accept the regulations can take a photo of themselves to confirm their identity and submission. There is also an option for the visitor to enter their email address to receive a copy of all the information submitted via email.

Creating local safety regulations

In the back-end system via the website https://app.just-id.com/

You can choose to turn on/off fields and insert images of local safety regulations. to match your needs

Just-iD Visitor

Comply with PDPA
(Personal Data Protection Act).

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