
CC Card

Visitor information tracking system

Just-iD CC Card Function

Visitor information tracking system

In areas with high entry and exit traffic, printing slips for every visit can lead to excessive paper waste. To address this, Just-iD has developed the CC Card function, or the rotating card system, to reduce paper usage. This system generates a QR Code linked to the visitor’s information. When a visitor arrives, the staff can scan the QR Code to assign a card, fill in additional details, and record the data directly into the system. Upon exit, the staff will scan the QR Code on the card, and the system will display the entry information. If no issues are found, the visitor will be allowed to exit, and the CC Card can be reused.

Enhance management capabilities, deliver services at international standards.

Example of Use

Administrator creates CC Card

→ Entrance

← Exit

Creating a QR-CODE in the back-end system

Website https://app.just-id.com/

Print the QR-CODE to attach to the visitor’s card.

To use the card exchange instead of using a slip.

Helps reduce the amount of paper used

Example of use of  Just-iD CC Card

Displays incoming information before leaving the area.

Visitor information, time of entering and exiting the area, arrival photos

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